Microsoft 365 License Request


This article will provide an overview of roles and access associated with Microsoft Office 365 and will outline the process for requesting license change.  

Available to

Full-time and Part-time Faculty and Staff


  • All employees with an active account have access to Microsoft Office desktop applications from any CCBC managed device. 
  • The license type assigned to an employee provides additional levels of access to other Microsoft web-based applications. 
  • Not every employee needs access to all these applications. 

NOTE: Employees can view Microsoft’s detailed feature comparison between the web-based and desktop versions of Office using the following link. 

Employees who need access to applications that are not currently available to them based on license assignment may submit a request by selecting the Request License button on this page.

The request will be reviewed first by the supervisor of the requester and then ITS to verify need.  The requester will typically be notified within 2 business days after all of the reviews/approvals have occurred with a decision as to whether their license will be adjusted.  

When submitting a request, users will be asked to provide:

  • Supervisor Name  

  • Justification for licensing change. Justification should include a detailed explanation of the need and benefit to departmental operations along with a list of desired applications if appropriate. 

Request License

Related Articles (2)

This article will provide an overview of roles and access associated with Microsoft Office 365 and will outline the process for requesting license change.