Call Handling in Teams Calling


Users are able to handle calls in different ways depending on the need.  This article will share the different options and how each one can be used.

Available To

Full-time Faculty and Staff, Part-time staff depending on job duties


Call Handling within the Teams Application

  1. While in a call, select the More (...) option.
  2. Call handling options will show towards the bottom of the options.  
    1. Hold - places the call on hold.  It will not put the call back into a call queue.  You will have to transfer the call back to the queue using the Transfer option.

      1. Hold music will provide CCBC information

    2. Transfer - Use to transfer the call to another person or call queue.

    3. Consult then Transfer – Puts the call on hold and allows you to talk to another person before transferring the call to them.

      1. Provides a hang up option

    4. Park –  This is a feature that allows users to place a call on hold(placing it in a queue) and then retrieve it from another device or extension. Park a call in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support

Screenshot of Call Handling options within Teams Application

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Article ID: 4925
Thu 5/18/23 8:24 AM
Fri 5/24/24 3:09 PM