Updating CCBC work phone and address


CCBC employees have their work address and phone number listed in the CCBC Directory as well as the Outlook address book. If the information listed in these locations is not accurate, it may be necessary to update the information so that the correct information is displayed. Please follow the procedures below in order to update this information.

Available To

Faculty, Staff


  1. On the CCBC homepage, select Faculty & Staff at the bottom.
  2. Under Online Resources, select Online Information System - SIMON.
  3. Login with your username and password, then go through additional security verification.
  4. Select Employees, then Work Address and Phone.
  5. Update your work phone or address, then select Save.


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Article ID: 2310
Fri 12/9/22 3:30 PM
Fri 5/17/24 11:36 AM