Unable to sign in to CCBC systems or email


If you are unable to sign into CCBC systems such as myCCBC, SIMON, Brightspace, or your student email, there may be several different causes depending on your student status. Please reference the procedures below to troubleshoot these issues.

Available To

Current Students, Former Students, New Students


If you are a current student:

  • Try entering your username and password once more carefully to ensure that you are entering them both correctly. A system may also be asking for your full CCBC email address (ie. jsmith@email.ccbcmd.edu) instead of your username (ie. jsmith); if the username is used instead of the email, it will not let you login.

If you are a former or returning student:

  • CCBC systems and email will be inaccessible to you once your status as an active student has lapsed. In order for you to be able to access CCBC systems and email, you will need to be currently registered for at least one class at CCBC. You are able to use the CCBC Account Recovery utility to temporarily enable to your account to sign up for classes, but this will provide very limited functionality until you are an active student.

If you are a new student:

  • Your account may take up to 24 hours to completely generate throughout the CCBC systems. If you have just registered for CCBC or signed up for classes, you may not be able to access CCBC systems until 24 hours after your information has entered the system.
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Article ID: 1975
Wed 11/16/22 10:43 AM
Fri 5/17/24 11:34 AM